Monday, 15 July 2019

WALT discuss sea creatures.

Room 4 have been learning about sea creatures for our inquiry topic. We know that penguins have a special oil that keeps their feathers waterproof and dry. We did an experiment to see whether we could make our penguin pictures waterproof in a similar way. We used wax crayons to cover all of the penguin and then sprayed on water. It was exciting to see it roll straight off the penguin instead of soaking into the paper!

Thursday, 4 July 2019

WALT discuss how blubber helps to keep Antarctic sea mammals warm.

LI: For students to extend their experiences and personal explanations of the natural world through exploration, play, asking questions, and discussing simple models.

WALT discuss how blubber helps to keep Antarctic sea mammals warm.

Room 4 recently had an 'Antarctica snow day' where we explored, discussed and took part in activities related to the southern most continent and its sea creatures. We set up a science experiment to find out how blubber keeps marine mammals warm in the cold waters of Antarctica.

First, we put our hands into some icy cold water to see what it would feel like.
Next, we used the 'blubber bag', or a double layered bag with vegetable shortening in between, like a glove when we put our hands in the water.
We found that it was much less cold to put our hands in with the 'blubber bag' and we hardly even felt the water at all!