Monday, 21 September 2020

Doubles to add


My Reflection:
I am learning to use doubles to add. I can add doubles and then add on one more.

Monday, 14 September 2020

Equal sharing


My Reflection:
I was learning how to share equally. I can share out and count how many groups I made.

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

using speech marks


My Reflection:
I was learning  how to write direct speech using speech marks. It was a fun activity and i now know how to use speech marks correctly.

Monday, 7 September 2020

Using repeated addition for multiplication

My reflection
I was learning how to do multiplication by using repeated addition. I enjoyed doing this activity because I  now know how to solve multiplication sums.

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

How to Make My Special Sandwich

LI: WALT write instructions using imperative verbs

How to make a sandwich

2 slices of bread 
Chocolate chips 

  1. Get the white bread out of the packet
  2. Add butter on to the face of the bread
  3. Add nutella on to top of the butter
  4. Add chocolate chips to the bread
  5. Cut the crust off the bread

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Welcome to 2020

I am in Year 3.
My teacher is Mrs Marais.
This will be an  awesome year.